Wow, times they are getting crazy!
People are seriously losing their minds getting ready for the Coronavirus onslaught. Erin went to Costco today (Monday), and it was like a Saturday, and everyone was loading up on water, toilet paper, and other essentials.
There are a ton of ways to build your immune system, but we always want to think along the lines of what we can do structurally, chemically, and emotionally to balance our bodies so that we don't get sick.
Obviously, I believe getting adjusted can help you stay well and function optimally (Video of Dan Murphy DC, talking about chiropractic and 1918 flu). Let's talk about what we can do to keep ourselves healthy through the potential pandemic.
Coronavirus or COVID-19 symptoms if you haven't googled them yet are shortness of breath, fever, and cough with an incubation period of 2-14 days.
Disclaimer: This is intended to be informative and not medical advice. Consult with your physician if you feel like you have an infection that may be Coronavirus.
So let us talk real quick about herbs and supplements that you may want to have on hand in case someone goes down sick.
General Immune support:
General Respiratory support
So load up on all the above herbs and supplements for the long haul and wash your hand for the love of God.
If you need to book your adjustments you can schedule here:
Until then seriously turn off the news and Make your Health Easy
Dr. JJ
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